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USPS Web Tools guide

Besides its primary role – delivering mail, USPS allows several other functions by means of In order to use them you’ll need to make xml in conformance with USPS Web Tools documentation and send it as for example cURL request. Below given is a class that will handle all these cURL requests. It’s the class serving all the requests in this article. We’ll need…

World boundaries kmz, shp

If you’re looking for a file with world countries boundaries: here is the link This great site has both level 1 and 2 administrative subdivisions of countries. Very useful is you want to show countries overlay in your map

Setting up mysql proxy (windows)

Sometimes you need to view the exact query that your client sent to the server. For example, if you don’t know how PDO binds and escapes params or you’re using ORM. There is mysql proxy utility to facilitate this. So in order to install it you should: 1. Download the distribution from … 2. You don’t need to install anything. Just launch

Elance ANSI SQL code test with answers

Hi all, recently I tried to pass elance sql code test and managed to reply to only 8 out of 10 questions. I sent expert rating a feedback after the first pass as I believe limits should be allowed (however, maybe they are not in ANSI, I don’t remember). Anyway, here are the questions and my answers: 1. Consider a table named „salary“ having the…

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