Creating WP plugin for remote managing Zendesk tickets via Gravity Forms

Zendesk is a great platform for the fast creating your own CRM which can be used to save and process your customers‘ feedback as a tickets. So if your company has a website which uses WordPress platform, and you’d like to convert all/one form(s) submissions into a Zendesk ticket, here is a solution we suggest. We are going to develop the plugin for creating and…

Installing and configuring virtual ubuntu server using Vagrant

What is Vagrant? Vagrant is free and open-source software. It is used for creating and using virtual development environments. Vagrant is a wrapper between VirtualBox (or other virtualization software) and configuration management. Why do we need it? Usually, each developer in team has own development environment, which configured for his needs. But this may become troublesome. The same web application may work as expected in one environment,…

BTC-e Trading Bot Written in PHP

Nowadays, the popularity of bitcoin (BTC) is increasing tremendously, there are quite a few BTC excahge sites on the web. After experiencing certain difficulties with MtGox, people started looking for alternatives, and one of them was a Russian exchange These days when bitcoin increased like 10 times in two weeks, people started actively looking for automated trading solutions. I’ve been trying to find a…

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