phpdaemon installation, configuration and usage tips & tricks

If you own a website with too many AJAX requests like autocomplete or real-time features like auction bidding that require quick response and you also use Zend Framework or any other PHP heavy library/framework on your backend, then you end up with way too many HTTP requests to the backend each of them requires framework bootstrapping. You can launch any PHP profiler like xdebug to…

Using Zencoder with Zend Framework

Zencoder is an API-based online video and audio encoding service. Zencoder converts videos from your website, application, or video library into formats that are compatible with web playback, mobile phone, or any other device you need to support. Zencoder have friendly API and php library. We can use this library with Zend Framework after some modifications. Click here to download modified library.

Zend_Gdata_Youtube and disallowing commenting/embedding of video

Even in the latest ZF stable release 1.11.4 there is still no support of new Youtube API accessControl element. The framework is still using yt:noembed option and has no support for disallowing commenting at all. As I tried yt:noembed – it wasn’t working, so we need to add support to ZF of this feature. First we need to understand how Youtube feed needs to be…

Website Screen scraping using Zend Framework

ZF is a component-based framework, so we can only use some of its packages for a specific task. For example, if we don’t need to build a site and don’t need MVC, dispatchers, routers and so on, we can include only necessary packages for the task. Assume we need to build a screen-scrapper for a site or group of sites. We’d need Zend_Dom_Query with its…

S/MIME email encryption/signing using Zend_Mail

Recently I wrote a class for ZF that one can use as a convenient tool for signing and/or encrypting email documents. The tricky thing was that MS Outlook Express did not want to treat it as Signed and Encrypted message unless you add “\n” to the end of the message , that was hard to find and I had to only experiment as there are…

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