Why Us
Our Service

PHP 5 / 7 Custom Development
If your project is not based on any mainstream PHP framework or you have a legacy PHP application to support, we're at your service. Of course, we're good with PHP 7 new features and try our best to be PSR-compliant :) We love packagist and composer.
AWS Infrastructure
the majority of our customers are on AWS. We host this site on EC2/CloudFront as well. Have a look at our blog articles on AWS advanced topics like autoscaling EC2 and RDS. Amazon Web Services are great in features, scalability and reliability.
PHP Framework Development
as of today, we prefer Laravel or micro frameworks like Slim, silex or Phalcon. We do try to follow the frameworks documentation and use as many composer/packagist packages as possible. We also commit into some opensource libraries on github.
whether you're lacking a MySQL index or would like to speed up your fulltext search with Elasticsearch or sphinx, we're here to help. Database design, query optimization and administration are the core aspects of every heavily loaded website development, no matter what RDBMS or NoSQL engine you choose.