Incubuilder CRM

Incubuilder is web-based CRM that allows easily tracking lease renewal dates, insurance expiration dates, jobs created, mentor meetings, client goals, paperwork, accurate job creation numbers, economic impact numbers and much more. Incubuilder’s interface is very easy to navigate with point and click tabs easy data-entry to minimize typing.


Sofienet is a service that contains data about orgainazations and departments in a local authority dept (Finnish gov sector). This data is srtucturated and displayed in a hierarchical way (tree). Each node represents a page with info about an organization or survey. The following features have been implemented using d3.js and jquery: mindmap tree, drug and drop, reporting, feed, column charts, in-node discussions, separations of…

Dental Sleep Solutions

Dental Sleep Solutions is web application that provides alternative forms of therapy to treat snoring and Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) to help maximize patient success rates.

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