Besides its primary role – delivering mail, USPS allows several other functions by means of In order to use them you’ll need to make xml in conformance with USPS Web Tools documentation and send it as for example cURL request. Below given is a class that will handle all these cURL requests. It’s the class serving all the requests in this article. We’ll need to pass it only URL, API method name and the XML.
//connect to USPS class USPS { public function connectToUSPS($url, $api, $xml) { $ch = curl_init($url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $api . $xml); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 60); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); $result = curl_exec($ch); $error = curl_error($ch); if (empty($error)) { return $result; } else { return false; } } }
Here are the methods and samples that we can use:
1.US address verification (AddressValidateRequest)
First, form the XML with the test address and USERID that we get get by registering at
$xml = '<AddressValidateRequest USERID="XXX"> <Address ID="1"> <Address1></Address1> <Address2>6406 Ivy Lane</Address2> <City>Greenbelt</City> <State>MD</State> <Zip5></Zip5> <Zip4></Zip4> </Address> </AddressValidateRequest>';
USPS address verification API method is called Verify and the URL for it is
Let’s pass our XML, URL and method name into USPS::connectToUSPS() :
$usps = new USPS(); $result = $usps->connectToUSPS( '', 'API=Verify&XML=', $xml);
Let’s have a look at the resulting XML:
6406 IVY LN GREENBELT MD 20770 1441
We see handful XML where we can obtain validated and normalized address from as well as see it’s valid. We can tweak connectToUSPS() method and parse resulting XML with SimpleXML:
// (...) if (empty($error)) { return new SimpleXMLElement($result); } else { return false; } // (...)
Then we can read from returned value as follows:
$usps = new USPS(); $result = $usps->connectToUSPS( '', 'API=Verify&XML=', $xml); $address = array( 'address' => $result->Address[0]->Address2, 'address2' => $result->Address[0]->Address1, 'city' => $result->Address[0]->City, 'state' => $result->Address[0]->State, 'zip' => $result->Address[0]->Zip5 . (!empty($result->Address[0]->Zip4) ? '-' . $result->Address[0]->Zip4 : '') );
Let’s make the address invalid and see how it looks:
// formation XML $xml = '<AddressValidateRequest USERID="XXX"> <Address ID="1"> <Address1></Address1> <Address2> Ivy Lane</Address2> <City>Greenbelt</City> <State>MD</State> <Zip5></Zip5> <Zip4></Zip4> </Address> </AddressValidateRequest>'; $result = $usps->connectToUSPS( '', 'API=Verify&XML=', $xml);
As you dump the result you’ll see
-2147219401 Address Not Found. 1000440
As we see, the address is not validated. The error is in
2. Generating return labels (MerchandiseReturnV4)
USPS Tracking Number – is a unique identifier of a parcel and return label is the label you can send to your customer for return shipment. Here is a sample of Merchandise Return label:
To get it create XML as below:
$xml = '<EMRSV4.0Request USERID="XXXXXX" PASSWORD="XXXXXX"> <Option>RIGHTWINDOW</Option> <CustomerName>Garrison Johns</CustomerName> <CustomerAddress1>TEST 40</CustomerAddress1> <CustomerAddress2>6406 Ivy Lane</CustomerAddress2> <CustomerCity>Greenbelt</CustomerCity> <CustomerState>MD</CustomerState> <CustomerZip5>20770</CustomerZip5> <CustomerZip4 /> <RetailerName>Reza Dianat</RetailerName> <RetailerAddress>6406 Ivy Lane</RetailerAddress> <PermitNumber>293829</PermitNumber> <PermitIssuingPOCity>Greenbelt</PermitIssuingPOCity> <PermitIssuingPOState>MD</PermitIssuingPOState> <PermitIssuingPOZip5>20770</PermitIssuingPOZip5> <PDUPOBox>6406 Ivy Lane</PDUPOBox> <PDUCity>Greenbelt</PDUCity> <PDUState>MD</PDUState> <PDUZip5>20770</PDUZip5> <PDUZip4>1234</PDUZip4> <ServiceType>Bound Printed Matter</ServiceType> <DeliveryConfirmation>False</DeliveryConfirmation> <InsuranceValue /> <MailingAckPackageID>ID00001</MailingAckPackageID> <WeightInPounds>0</WeightInPounds> <WeightInOunces>10</WeightInOunces> <RMA>RMA 123456</RMA> <RMAPICFlag>False</RMAPICFlag> <ImageType>TIF</ImageType> <RMABarcode>False</RMABarcode> <AllowNonCleansedDestAddr>False</AllowNonCleansedDestAddr> </EMRSV4.0Request>';
We recommend to refer to official USPS doc to understand each of the parameters here.
API USPS Web Tools that allows us to get return label is MerchandiseReturnV4, and the method call for this task will look like:
$usps = new USPS(); $result = $usps->connectToUSPS( '', 'API=MerchandiseReturnV4&XML=', $xml);
To get the image from the response we need to look into
Note that it is base64 encoded.
You can get a copy of label via email (RecipientEMail request parameter):
$xml = '<EMRSV4.0Request USERID="XXXXXX" PASSWORD="XXXXXX"> <Option>RIGHTWINDOW</Option> <CustomerName>Garrison Johns</CustomerName> <CustomerAddress1>TEST 40</CustomerAddress1> <CustomerAddress2>6406 Ivy Lane</CustomerAddress2> <CustomerCity>Greenbelt</CustomerCity> <CustomerState>MD</CustomerState> <CustomerZip5>20770</CustomerZip5> <CustomerZip4 /> <RetailerName>Reza Dianat</RetailerName> <RetailerAddress>6406 Ivy Lane</RetailerAddress> <PermitNumber>293829</PermitNumber> <PermitIssuingPOCity>Greenbelt</PermitIssuingPOCity> <PermitIssuingPOState>MD</PermitIssuingPOState> <PermitIssuingPOZip5>20770</PermitIssuingPOZip5> <PDUPOBox>6406 Ivy Lane</PDUPOBox> <PDUCity>Greenbelt</PDUCity> <PDUState>MD</PDUState> <PDUZip5>20770</PDUZip5> <PDUZip4>1234</PDUZip4> <ServiceType>Bound Printed Matter</ServiceType> <DeliveryConfirmation>False</DeliveryConfirmation> <InsuranceValue /> <MailingAckPackageID>ID00001</MailingAckPackageID> <WeightInPounds>0</WeightInPounds> <WeightInOunces>10</WeightInOunces> <RMA>RMA 123456</RMA> <RMAPICFlag>False</RMAPICFlag> <ImageType>TIF</ImageType> <RecipientName>Test</RecipientName> <RecipientEMail></RecipientEMail> <RMABarcode>False</RMABarcode> <AllowNonCleansedDestAddr>False</AllowNonCleansedDestAddr> </EMRSV4.0Request>';
You can access the tracking number itself at
3. Getting shipment tracking status by its tracking number (TrackRequest)
You have to know only parcel’s tracking num in order to get actual status of its location. You should use service for that, but you can also do the same with Web Tools
Let’s form the XML:
$xml = '<TrackRequest USERID="XXX" PASSWORD="XXX"> <TrackID ID="XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"></TrackID> </TrackRequest>';
And send it via TrackV2 API method which is available at, provided 30-digit tracking number of your shipment in TrackID parameter.
$usps = new USPS(); $result = $usps->connectToUSPS( '', 'API=TrackV2&XML=', $xml);
Look at the result:
Your item was delivered at 9:45 am on February 14, 2011 in Greenbelt, MD 20770. Out for Delivery, February 14, 2011, 8:29 am, Greenbelt, MD 2077. Sorting Complete, February 14, 2011, 8:19 am, Greenbelt, MD 20770 Arrival at Post Office, February 14, 2011, 8:02 am, Greenbelt, MD 20770. Processed through Sort Facility, February 13, 2011, 12:05 am, Greenbelt, MD 20770.
We see that in TrackSummary there is the shipment current status, its date and also location. In TrackDetail elements there are some more details.
That’s it. This article is only a brief introduction into USPS Web Tools. You can find very detailed documentation and samples here
Author: Alexandr Cvirovsky
Bless you for providing this info. The usps docs are wrong and after 10 days of back and forth (mostly forth because it took them 5 days to respond) I finally found this website with working examples. Thanks!
Hi, your guide has been really helpful as there’s not a lot of documentation about it online, ¡thanks!
However i’m having an issue with the created image, it does not work, the image is created but when I try to open it says that it might be damaged.
Could you give me some insight on why that can happen?
Thanks again.
Sebastian, most web browsers don’t natively support TIF images. Try using the PDF option instead. Or you can use Image Magick and convert it into a JPG, however, you may lose resolution when doing so as the item being returned by USPS is a TIF encoded bitmap.
Russ, we figured out the issue with Sebastian offline, so it wasn’t a problem with TIFF browser support. Thanks anyway 🙂
No problem. But the PDF option is better. Can’t beat a vector file when it comes to print resolution. And thanks for putting this tut out there. Really helped me out when I tried to decode the USPS webtools user guides. They are seriously lacking in examples.
Has anyone had any luck getting multiple address results back with the ZipCodeLookup or Verify APIs?
I keep getting this undocumented gem of a message:
“Default address: The address you entered was found but more information is needed (such as an apartment, suite, or box number) to match to a specific address.”
Of course, I can specify an Apt# and get back a good one to one, but I would like to offer my user suggestions like the GUI displays.
thanks man,
i’ve looking at USPS site and there is no working sample code.
Thank you,
you save my live 🙂
I LOVE YOU! Like others I have been DAYS on this and my clients were starting to doubt I knew what I was doing. The kindness and generousity of developers is like nothing you see in any other profession.
I seem to be having a problem with the line:
$usps = new USPS();
Is there a class I’m missing? I’d appreciate your help
Thank you.
This is what I came up with in both CURL and just plain PHP
I’m pretty much an amateur “hack” coder, but I don’t quit
/// send request id CURL must use CSS to format
$request1 = <<< XMLREQUEST
6406 Ivy Lane
$request = “” . rawurlencode($request1);
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $request);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, false);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPGET, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SLL_VERIFYHOST, false);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
$response = curl_exec($ch);
//send using PHP
$html = "";
$url = "" . rawurlencode($request1);
$xml = simplexml_load_file($url);
for($i = 0; $i Address[$i]->Address2;
$City = $xml->Address[$i]->City;
$State = $xml->Address[$i]->State;
$Zip5 = $xml->Address[$i]->Zip5;
$Zip4 = $xml->Address[$i]->Zip4;
$html .= “Address2”;
$html .= “$City, “;
$html .= “$State”;
$html .= “$Zip5 “;
$html .= “$Zip4 “;
echo $html;
echo ”;
echo ”;
echo $Address2;
echo ”;
echo $City; echo ‘, ‘; echo $State;
echo ”;
echo $Zip5; echo’ ’;
echo $Zip4;
Untitled Document
display: block;
display: inline;
display: inline;
display: block;
width: 98%;
echo '’;
echo ”;
echo $response;
forget it, the system keeps deleting the most important part of the code what a friggin joke!!!!!!!!!